Thursday, February 22, 2007

My Ezra

Here is my little guy I got some new pictures of him and I am just so grateful for the very kind family to take them for me. I also have some video of him and I will post his small moment of fame soon. So sit back and enjoy my little man.

My Baby turns 11.

Well 11 years ago today I brought home a 5lb 13oz baby girl. She is now in the 5th grade and done a musical at school and wants a horse. I hope this is the summer I get her in 4H and we get a place for a horse. She will be coming with us to China to get her baby brother and she is just tickled pink that she will be the 1st one to see and hold him. Also to see the Great Wall of China and not to mention see many wonderful places and eat many new things. I am helping her with her blog but with being 11 she will try later.


Here they are at Christmas. I am just missing Jazz with Santa but maybe next year when I can ALL my babies with me this holiday.