Friday, June 23, 2006

We are now Pre-matched!!!

Well we got a you are now prematched from the agency! I was so happy and relived to see that now to get the LOI, PAPL and other stuff done ASAP. I am glad we are getting closer and closer to sending our paper work to China for a PA. I am getting the homestudy done so that when my 30th birthday gets here the dossier will be sent off to China as well. Ezra I hope you know that Mommy and Daddy are doing our best to try and get you home. I have a picture of you and your lil brother and big sisters at work so I can see all my kids when I am feeling overworked. I never knew how hard it can be to get lots of paperwork done and than to read and watch DVD's as well berore the 28th of June. Well I have so much to do I better get some sleep and start head on getting some reading done.

Friday, June 16, 2006

I am apple pie.

You Are Apple Pie
You're the perfect combo of comforting and traditional Those who like you crave security

Friday, June 02, 2006

He turned 1 June 1st.

Well he turned 1 yesterday and I am hoping he had a good birthday. I know I was thinking of him and sent him a wish, a kiss and a hug to him. I sure can not wait till I can send him a care package and hope I can him some gifts and the other kids in the orphange as well. I do want to get his caregivers something as well. Wow he is 1 and I am so far away, I just wish we were closer to bringing him home.